Magazine Subscriptions
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Order or renew a magazine subscription here. Missed a recent issue? You can order 2019 and 2020 printed issues here too. Check out the Back Issues in our Shop. Missing an older issue? We may have a printed copy. Call us at 1-800-23MUSKY and ask us to search our print archive. Otherwise, see below on how to purchase a digital copy. NOTE: Your 1st print issue will arrive with our next scheduled mailing. Please allow 6-8 weeks for magazine delivery. Click here to order or renew a magazine subscription. Musky Hunter's entire back issue collection - every issue since Volume 1, Number 1 - has been digitized and is available now in electronic format for reading on a computer, tablet, or phone. You can subscribe to the entire collection for only $29.95 or read a single issue for $2.95. Missed an issue? Purchase single digitized Back Issues in our Shop. Click here to order or renew a digital collection subscription.